Responsible Tenant Selection Practices

Responsible Tenant Selection Practices


In the process of selecting tenants, landlords possess the authority to gather specific information to ensure a suitable match for their rental properties. However, this privilege is balanced by legal restrictions aimed at safeguarding individuals from discrimination. Understanding what landlords can and cannot inquire about is vital for maintaining fairness and upholding tenants’ rights.

Landlords Can Ask:
1. Income details
2. Employment status and workplace
3. Number of occupants
4. Names of individuals residing with the tenant
5. Pet ownership
6. Smoking status
7. Permission for credit check (requiring full name, date of birth, current address)
8. References from previous landlords
9. Existence of a guarantor or co-signer (in some cases)

Landlords Cannot Ask About:
1. Pregnancy or children
2. Plans for having children
3. Marital status
4. Religion or ethnicity
5. Sexual orientation
6. Receipt of welfare or public assistance
7. Disability status
8. Age (including if the tenant is 16 or 17 and living independently)
9. Canadian citizenship status

Landlords must not discriminate against potential tenants based on protected characteristics.


In the realm of tenant selection, landlords wield significant power, but it comes with responsibilities. By adhering to guidelines delineating permissible inquiries and abstaining from discriminatory practices, landlords contribute to fostering equitable housing opportunities for all. Upholding these standards not only complies with legal obligations but also cultivates inclusive and respectful rental environments.

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