What Are Notaries

What Are Notaries

What are notaries? A professional is a qualified individual appointed by the Attorney General of Ontario, to act as an impartial witness in the signing of important documents. They play a crucial role in verifying the authenticity of signatures, ensuring the legality of documents, and deterring fraud.

What Do They Do?

Notaries are authorized to perform various duties, including:

1. Witnessing Signatures: They witness the signing of documents and verify the identity of the signatories to ensure they are who they claim to be.

2. Administering Oaths and Affirmations: Notaries can administer oaths and affirmations, affidavits, and solemn declarations made by individuals regarding the truthfulness of their statements.

3. Certifying Copies of Documents: They can certify copies of original documents, such as birth certificates and passports, to verify their authenticity.

4. Attesting to Signatures: A document signer attests to the authenticity of signatures on documents like contracts, wills, and powers of attorney.

5. Taking Acknowledgments: They can take acknowledgments, a formal declaration by the signer that they are voluntarily signing the document.

Types of Notaries

1. Traditional Notaries: They operate in an office setting and provide services to the public, typically charging a fee.

2. Mobile Notaries: These professionals travel to the client’s location to provide services, often used for real estate transactions and hospital visits.

3. Online Notaries: Online notaries conduct notarial acts remotely using audiovisual technology, verifying the signer’s identity and witnessing document signings online.

Documents They Can Sign

The commissioner can sign a variety of documents, including:

1. Real Estate Documents: They can sign documents related to real estate transactions, such as deeds and mortgages.

2. Legal Documents: A document signer can sign legal documents, including contracts, wills, and powers of attorney.

3. Financial Documents: They can sign financial documents like loan documents and promissory notes.

Tools They Use

Notaries use several tools, including:

1. Notary Seal: A stamp or embossing tool used to imprint the notary’s official seal on documents.

2. Notary Journal: A record-keeping book where notaries document details of each notarial act they perform.

3. Notary Certificate: A pre-printed statement is attached to a document to indicate the notary has witnessed the signing.


Notaries play a crucial role in ensuring the authenticity and legality of documents. They verify identities, witness signings, and administer oaths, protecting the integrity of legal transactions and preventing fraud.

If you think of being a Notary Public view out “infographic to apply to be a Notary Public. “



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